Halgan on-site CPD event

9:45am Tuesday, 5 July 2022
12:00pm Tuesday, 5 July 2022
Halgan Head Office
10 Davis Road
Wetherill Park, New South Wales 2164

The below event is Postponed - a future date will be announced soon

Halgan onsite CPD Day

The HCAA and Halgan invite you to a tour of Halgan's new liquid waste treatment plant and inspection of the manufacturing facility, along with a CPD presentation “End to end trade waste”.  


When: Tuesday 05 July 2022

Time: 9.45.am for 10.00am start till 12.00 midday - light lunch to follow

Location: Halgan Head Office, 10 Davis Road, Wetherill Park 2164


The CPD presentation includes Halgan liquid waste facility design, authority regulations and treatment train design plus reviewing the draft Australian Standard – AS5215:2022 Passive Grease Arrestors and information on treatment in the Craft Brewing industry.

On completion of the course, attendees will recieve a 2 formal CPD points. Bookings are limited to 20 people - see below booking details below to secure your ticket. 


For more information and an event agenda, see the following flyer.


Booking details:

Please book your free ticket below and you will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. If you do not receive a confirmation, please try booking again as your ticket purchase may not have been successful.

If you are booking a ticket on behalf of another member, please book it under their name - you are able to do this via our online booking system, using their email address at the time of booking. 

We look forward to seeing you there! 

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