HCAA November 2021 Tasmania General Meeting

5:30pm Thursday, 25 November 2021
7:30pm Thursday, 25 November 2021
Regional Meeting
274 Murray Street
Hobart , Tasmania 7000

Notice is hereby given to all Members of the HCAA that our Tasmania November Industry night will take place on Thursday 25 November 2021, commencing 5.30pm at Reece, Hobart. 


TOPIC 1: Introduction by Hydraulic Consultants Association of Australasia

Introduction from Ryan Petkovich and HCAA National representative discussion on industry updates.


TOPIC 2: Deakin University – Water demands Presentation

Insights from Brendan Josey PhD student and water demands investigations, modelling and discussion.


TOPIC 3: ACO Presentation

Insights from Sean and the ABC of Trench Drainage.


Please book your ticket via email to HCAA admin, noting your name, company and email address.

If you would like to book a ticket for someone other than yourself, please include their details in the email. Bookings will close on Monday 22 November 2021. 


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