HCAA March 2020 General Meeting - Canberra POSTPONED

5:30pm Tuesday, 24 March 2020
8:30pm Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Regional Meeting
65 Northbourne Ave
Canberra , Australian Capital Territory 2601

Notice is hereby given to all Members of the HCAA that our March 2020 Canberra General Meeting, to be held on Tuesday 24 March, has been postponed until further notice.


Given the unfolding situation relating to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Australia and across the world, we wanted to provide our members with an update.


At the date of this communication, HCAA Management has decided to postpone all scheduled meetings for the months of March through to May 2020.


Several large companies and guest speakers have contacted the HCAA in the past 48 hours to advise us their company will not currently permit them travel on planes, leaving us without scheduled speakers and attendees.


Due to these cancellations and in light of growing concern from the Australian government and health authorities, we have agreed this decision is the most appropriate at this point in time.


We are tentatively rescheduling for meetings to recommence in July 2020 and if the opportunity to hold them sooner arises we will do our best to make this happen.


This matter is under active consideration and we will advise as soon as possible of any further decisions or actions.


We will continue to provide updates to you as appropriate. Our approach is to manage the situation in a balanced, calm and measured way.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to discuss any of the above or require further clarification.

Yours Sincerely,

HCAA Management Committee



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